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Mar 10, 2018 Vol. 7, No. 10
In this issue
1. How-To: How to Write Funny: Four Lessons in Marketing Humor From the Greatest Email Ever
2. Article: Devise Better Customer Journeys With Customer Data as Your GPS [Sponsored]
3. Podcast: 5 Keys to High-Performing Marketing Organizations: Salesforce's Mathew Sweezey
4.  PRO  New Live Seminar: 9 Insanely Effective Email Tactics You Can Use Today
5. Survey Says: Why Content Is Getting Fewer Shares on Social Networks
6. Infographic: The Small Business Guide to Google Analytics
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Advertisement  Time is running out to get the Rebel price on MarketingProfs B2B Marketing Forum 2018. Register by midnight ET March 16 to save up to $600.
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How to Write Funny: Four Lessons in Marketing Humor From the Greatest Email Ever
By Ann Handley
Done right, humor sells. But you probably don't sell a product or service that's inherently funny. So how can you create funny content that's just right for your business? Read More
Today's Sponsored Article
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Devise Better Customer Journeys With Customer Data as Your GPS
By IBM Watson Marketing [Sponsored Content]
Understanding your buyers' journeys is key to providing them with the right information to move them along the buying path. See how the right tools—and AI—can make your job as a marketer efficient and effective. Read More
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Five Keys to High-Performing Marketing Organizations: Salesforce's Mathew Sweezey on Marketing Smarts
By Kerry O'Shea Gorgone
Research into 7,500+ businesses around the world identified what separates high-performing marketing organizations from the rest. Here are some of the valuable insights. Read More
FOR  PRO  Members
Today's PRO Item
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New Live Seminar: 9 Insanely Effective Email Tactics You Can Use Today
Reserve your spot for this upcoming Teach Me How seminar where you'll discover nine tactics that will get your prospects to open, read, and respond to your email without even thinking about it! Read More
Advertisement  Get your All-Access (VIP) pass to B2B Marketing Forum 2018 to attend a full-day preconference workshop.
Survey Says
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Why Content Is Getting Fewer Shares on Social Networks
By Ayaz Nanji
The median number of shares that content pieces receive via social media has fallen over the past two years. Check out the stats and the many reasons for that decline according to recent research from BuzzSumo. Read More
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The Small Business Guide to Google Analytics [Infographic]
By Laura Forer
Google Analytics: it's everywhere, yet it's still a mystery to many marketers. Put your Google Analytics jitters to rest today with this guide to getting started and using some of GA's most helpful features. Read More

event calendar

Mar 15
Teach Me How—9 Insanely Effective Email Tactics You Can Use Today PRO
Mar 20
FREE Seminar—Get More in the Door: How to Increase Event Attendance
Mar 27
FREE Seminar—7 Secrets to Avoid a Boring Webinar
May 11
Virtual Conference—Email Marketing
Nov 13-16
B2B Marketing Forum—Register by March 16 to save up to $600!


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Leads? Contact us:

Chief Content Officer: Ann Handley
Director of Publications: Vahe Habeshian
Research Writer: Ayaz Nanji
Contributor: Christian Neri

Advertise with us: Call (866) 557-9625

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