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By Russell Glass |
The best B2B marketers are successful because they start with building a brand. In other words, the best B2B marketers think like B2C marketers. And here's just how they think and what they do.
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Has your organization ever created buyer personas? If so, did you ever use them? Many don't—because they don't create truly useful personas in the first place. Ardath Abee lays out key elements of personas you can really use.
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Check out this fast-paced, no-holds-barred PRO seminar to learn about the common SEO mistakes that could be keeping your rankings lower than they could be. We'll debunk SEO myths and arm you with the knowledge you need to give a boost to your organic rankings!
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Luxury Brands Boosting Online Marketing Spend |
More than three-quarters (77%) of luxury advertisers are expected to increase their investments in online marketing in 2012, according to the 2012 Luxury Brand Study by Martini Media, a new study based on a poll of 400 agency marketers who serve luxury brands.
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Six Story Elements to Help You Make Your Case
To win, lawyers must assemble a gripping argument. Facts need to be combined with compelling story elements to create a persuasive narrative to win the jury over. The same is true in marketing. Marketers draw their audience to their side by solid storytelling. But what makes for a persuasive story?
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By Aaron Dun |
Recently, we overhauled our company's website and tested the results. In doing so, we used four valuable testing tools. Check out which ones I'm recommending and why.
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