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By Bo Mattsson |
Commonly, market research is viewed as a way to improve advertising and marketing initiatives and develop products friendlier to specific markets. But the range of uses for market intelligence is larger than most think.
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Though it can be tedious to proofread and re-proofread your content, it's a necessary evil. And don't worry... MarketingProfs and Daphne Gray-Grant are here to help you! In just 10 minutes, you'll learn seven simple steps to easier and more effective proofreading.
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Marketers Still Shying Away From Pinterest |
Despite the rapid growth of Pinterest, some 44% of ad and marketing executives surveyed say they have no interest in using the social networking site for business purposes, according to a new survey by The Creative Group.
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Social Guidelines Worthy of an Olympian
Social media guidelines are often the strength, and also the Achilles heel, of a solid social strategy. To be successful, your guidelines need to be simple, not laden with legalese. And they should facilitate proper social behavior. But do yours make users feel as if they're walking into a mine field?
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By Duncan Spencer Mobile wallets, which let folks pay for goods and services by using only their mobile phones, are becoming more popular. What does their increasing popularity mean for marketers?
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