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Jul 5, 2017 Vol. 16, No. 128
In this issue
1. How-To: 8 Steps to Leave Blast Emails Behind & Launch Intelligent Emails Instead
2. Video: Content Marketing Quick Tips From A to Z
3.  PRO  How-To Guide: Email Essentials: Gmail Tricks of the Trade
4. Survey Says: The Marketing and Advertising Hiring Climate
5. Infographic: Five Mantras That Can Lead to More Leads From Your Blog
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Advertisement  By upgrading to PRO membership, you'll receive unlimited access to a virtual library of marketing training information, best practices, trends, and other relevant content to help you find solutions to your marketing challenges. Bonus: save 25% this month only with code JULYPRO!
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Eight Steps to Leave Blast Emails Behind and Launch Intelligent Communications Instead
By Pini Yakuel
Learn how we marketers can graduate from the tried-and-true daily blast email to take a more personalized, targeted approach—and why it is so critical to our businesses that we do so. Read More
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Marketing Video: Content Marketing Quick Tips From A to Z
By Cassie Nelson
Marketing content takes time, energy, and effort to produce. And even when you think you're doing it right, your efforts may fall flat. These quick tips for creating and distributing content can help you succeed. Read More
FOR  PRO  Members
Today's PRO Item
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How-To Guide: Email Essentials: Gmail Tricks of the Trade
In this 39-page guide, you'll learn what steps to take to ensure that every one of your email messages makes it into the Google inbox (or perhaps even into the vaunted "Primary" tab), to establish lasting trust with both Gmail and its billion-strong user base, and to push your email marketing results to the next level. Read More
Advertisement  PRO's virtual library of training, best practices, trends, and tools helps marketers like you stay up-to-date so you can face any marketing challenge head-on. Bonus: Save 25% this month only with code JULYPRO.
Survey Says
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The Marketing and Advertising Hiring Climate
By Ayaz Nanji
Most marketing and advertising executives expect to keep the size of their creative (non-technical) staff steady in the second half of 2017, according to recent research from The Creative Group. Read More
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Five Mantras That Can Lead to More Leads From Your Blog [Infographic]
By Laura Forer
Is your blog working as hard as it should? Check out these five tips for generating more engagement and leads from your blog. Read More

event calendar

Jul 11
FREE Seminar—Five Must-Haves for an Effective Email Campaign
Jul 18
FREE Seminar—The Secret to AdWords, Facebook, and Display ROI: Phone Call Conversions
Jul 20
Teach Me How—Advanced Google Analytics for Marketers PRO
Aug 3
Seminar—How to Create an Analytics Strategy That Ensures Success PRO
Aug 3
Online Course—Marketing Measurement & Analytics | 13 online classes
Oct 3-6
B2B Marketing Forum—Save $200 when you register by July 31!


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Leads? Contact us:

Chief Content Officer: Ann Handley
Director of Publications: Vahe Habeshian
Research Writer: Ayaz Nanji
Contributor: Christian Neri

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