Your Source for What Matters in Marketing • From the Team at MarketingProfs |
Hi, friend.
This is the third special issue of MarketingProfs Today offering up timely advice on Marketing in a Covid World. You can find the first one here and the second here.
These pop-up Monday editions are just one way we're doubling-down to serve you: If you missed either one of our free live webinars for the MarketingProfs community, you can find it on-demand:
* How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers: with MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley
* Relax, Release, Realign: The Art of Mindful Living: with MarketingProfs Founder and Mindful USC Founder and Director Allen Weiss
These are indeed stressful times, and MarketingProfs is here to help you navigate them, however best we can.
Stay well. Stay safe. We appreciate you.
We're in this together,
—Team MarketingProfs
P.S. If there's a program you'd like to see us offer, we'd love to hear it. Shelley in Customer Service is all ears.
P.P.S. We've ungated all of our Covid-related content, so feel free to share far and wide.
In This Special Issue:
So glad you could join us today!
—Vahe Habeshian, Director of Publications
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