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By Brad Reynolds |
Google AdWords is undoubtedly a viable medium for attracting qualified leads. But to fully take advantage of the opportunity, you need to track and monitor for both online and offline conversions.
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Too many buyer personas and not enough actionable insight? Here's a practical plan to ensure that your personas have a direct, measurable impact on your marketing ROI.
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By Vasileios Tziokas |
Developing nations are embracing mobile technology at unprecedented rates. But before you jump into the race to reach those global customers, consider these critical factors.
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May 13
FREE Seminar—How Does Your Marketing Stack Stack Up? |
May 15
Seminar—Using Buyer Personas to Make an Impact on Your Marketing ROI |
May 20
FREE Seminar—Three Secrets to Measuring Marketing's Impact on Revenue |
May 22
Seminar—Get Your Sales and Marketing Teams on the Same Page to Meet Customer Needs |
Jun 12
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Writing Bootcamp 16 all new classes for 2014 |
Jun 13
Conference—Content Marketing: Curate the "perfect" content FREE! |
Oct 9-10
B2B Forum 2014—Boston, MA Marketing For What Comes Next: Save $400 today. |