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By Ivy Mills |
Before taking your brand global, make sure you've done the proper market research, hired the right staff, and implemented the cultural checks needed to succeed. Here are six steps all brands must consider before going global.
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The Blog Marketing SmartTool gives you a step-by-step blueprint for creating an effective blog that attracts new business and serves as a dynamic, active hub for exchanging information between you and your customers.
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What's Your Lead Gen Weakness?
How would you rate your company's lead gen game? Some companies are good at generating B2B sales leads and others are good at closing leads. But the top performing companies can do both, and so can you—with these tips.
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By Verónica Maria Jarski |
To help you navigate through marketing in 2012, we've gathered our favorite fact-packed charts in one handy-dandy downloadable guide: 27 Must-Have Charts to Guide Your Marketing in 2012.
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