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In This Issue
+ How-To: Measure and Maximize the Impact of Online Activity on Offline Sales
+ Infographic: The B2B Marketer's Guide to SXSW
+ PRO: SmartTools: Tackle Your Email List
+ #SocialSkim: FB News Feed, SXSW, LinkedIn, Prollie, Hashtag How-To...
+ Survey Says: Apple Gains Ground on Google Android, Grows Handset Lead
+ My View: Why Aren't Most Marketers Running Tests? (It's Not That Hard)
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How-To Measure and Maximize the Impact of Online Activity on Offline Sales
By Doug Miller
Measurability is the battle cry of every digital marketer. The first challenge is to decide which measurements make sense based on campaign objectives. The ultimate challenge is how to optimize in real time to maximize impact. Read More
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PRO SmartTools: Tackle Your Email List
Creating a plan to manage your email list is difficult. That's why we've pulled together all the steps for building, optimizing, and governing your list so that it aligns with your business objectives. Use our Email List Manager to simplify the process now—and thank us later! Read More
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Advertisement  Free Virtual Conference: B2C & Retail Marketing on March 8. Three presentations, networking, and live Q&A. Register Now!
Survey Says
Apple Gains Ground on Google Android, Strengthens Handset Lead
By Lenna Garibian
Apple has increased its share of US smartphone subscribers and its lead in the handset market. And though Android is still the top smartphone platform in the US with 52.3% market share, Apple's share grew 3.5 percentage points, to 37.8%. Read More
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Quick Take
Facebook's News Feed, SXSW, LinkedIn, Prollie, Hashtag How-To... Week in Social Media #SocialSkim
By Angela Natividad
Facebook's new News Feed, SXSW tips, tools for managing LinkedIn leads and gathering Twitter data, how-tos for hashtags and social branding, a study on social business, women and teens demographics, a Harlem Shakes wars infographic, and much more (including your dancing-pony fix). Skim for social sustenance! Read More
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My View Why Aren't Most Marketers Running Tests? (It's Not That Hard)
By Matthew Grant
Everyone knows we should be testing landing pages, calls to action, email subject lines, forms, offers, and so forth. But why don't more marketers do testing? Read More
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Mar 8
Virtual Conference—B2C & Retail Marketing Sign up for free!
Mar 12
FREE Seminar—Leverage Your Data to Run Smarter Marketing Programs
Mar 14
PRO Seminar—Brand Yourself: Busting the Nine-Second Barrier
Mar 19
FREE Seminar—Shopping Made Smarter: Employing Smart Marketing in E-Commerce
Mar 21
PRO Seminar—Five Common Pricing Roadblocks (and How to Get Around Them)
Apr 11
MarketingProfs University—Cracking the Facebook Code Use coupon code DECODED to save $200
Apr 12
Virtual Conference—Social Media Marketing Sign up for free!
Oct 9-11
B2B Forum 2013—Boston, MA Save up to $800 through April 30