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In This Issue
+ How-To: Four Ways to Maximize 'High Masthead Value' Publicity
+ Podcast: Jonah Lehrer Discusses Debate, Dissent, and Creativity
+ PRO: A Step-By-Step Guide to a Successful Social Media Program
+ Survey Says: 'Social TV' Boosts Live TV Viewing
+ Quick Take: An Argument Against the Usefulness of QR Codes
+ My View: Stop Making These Three Customer Service Mistakes
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Advertisement  Tired of stressing out over copywriting and editing? Check out MPU: Marketing Writing Bootcamp and make your writing sizzle for print, email, online, social, and more! Broadcasting live from May 10-23 with recordings available for a year. Save $200 when you use code WORDS.
How-To Four Ways to Maximize 'High Masthead Value' Publicity
By Gordon G. Andrew
Many companies invest considerable effort seeking publicity via influential media—and then fail to benefit from the masthead value of that exposure. Learn how to increase the business impact of high masthead value publicity. Read More
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Podcast No Pain, No Gain: Jonah Lehrer Discusses Debate, Dissent, and Creativity on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
By Matthew Grant
One of the rules of traditional brainstorming is... "Don't criticize anyone's ideas." But does that work? "Criticism is really good for the imagination," Jonah Lehrer explains in this week's episode of Marketing Smarts. Read More
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PRO A Step-By-Step Guide to a Successful Social Media Program
Businesses need to make social media policies that establish the boundaries of using social media. Check out "A Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Social Media Program" for blueprints for designing your social media team, policies, and risk-management procedures. Read More
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Advertisement  This Friday, MarketingProfs' SocialTech Online is LIVE! Watch live streaming video of all 12 B2B social media marketing conference sessions as they happen and participate in presenter Q&A on March 30. Or, view (or review) recordings on-demand through June 30. Price: just $99. Register now.
Survey Says
'Social TV' Boosts Live TV Viewing
Active "social TV" viewers—people who watch television and simultaneously engage with others via social networks—tend to watch more live TV so they can be part of social conversations in real time. Social TV is also enabling viewers' desires to influence programming via their shared opinions. Read More
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Quick Take
An Argument Against the Usefulness of QR Codes
People have been talking about QR codes—those slightly out-of-focus, black-and-white squares—for several years now. We see them everywhere—but are people using them? Not really. Read More
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My View Stop Making These Three Customer Service Mistakes
By Drew McLellan
Businesses value few things more than happy customers. Pleased clients spread the word about you... and they come back for more. But to make customers happy, you must avoid these common customer service blunders. Read More
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@ChristinaPeden Bad news for social media ROI skeptics: study https:////bit.ly/GSJrdI
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Forum Today's Question
By janellelhake 3/27/2012 at 1:04 AM
I am starting a blog to give advice to single parents attempting to navigate the world of co-parenting. What should I name the blog? Go To Question
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Mar 15-28
MarketingProfs University LIVE—Email Marketing Master Course
Mar 28
Smart Marketers Tour 2012—Seattle, WA join us in person for free!
Mar 29-30
SocialTech 2012—Seattle, WA 
Mar 30
SocialTech Online—12 sessions, live streaming video just $99
Apr 10
FREE Seminar—Elusive Buyer 2.0: How to Move Them from Anonymity to Revenue
Apr 12
PRO Seminar—MarketingProfs University: Creating a Winning Web Presence
Apr 12-26
MarketingProfs University LIVE—Websites That Work save $200 with code WORKIT
Apr 17
FREE Seminar—4 Keys to Successful Facebook Marketing
Apr 19
PRO Seminar—How Sharing and Collaboration Can Benefit Marketers in a Connected Age
June 8
Social Media Virtual Conference—3 Great Social Media Sessions sign up for free