Hi Friends,
At some point as a kid, you might have envisioned yourself as a superhero. And though by now you've realized flying or X-ray vision aren't feasible, you also realize you can help your marketer friends and make the marketing world a better place.
We've just launched the MarketingProfs Referral Program, which makes it easy—and rewarding—to share this newsletter with like-minded marketers.
When a friend turns me on to a new podcast, newsletter, or interesting piece of content, it means something. I know a friend wouldn't lead me astray, so I'm more inclined to take a look. In fact, that's how I discover most new content sources nowadays.
And, let's be honest, when you provide some helpful resources to someone, it makes you look like a hero.
So check out the program and share some helpful marketing insights with your peers.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some just help their friends and colleagues become better marketers.
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In Today's Issue:
1/ Customer Experience Management Isn't Enough: Three Steps to Experience Improvement
2/ World's Top 10 'Brand Guardian,' Most Famous, and Most Reputable CEOs
3/ Metrics and Measurement Friday Forum: 3 Sessions by Experts MarketingProfs event
4/ Why Companies Shouldn't 'Breadcrumb' Job Candidates
5/ Create Lasting Connections at B2B Forum MarketingProfs event
Scroll down for more, including industry news, community goings-on, and other useful resources. |