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By Becca Wright |
The words "engagement" and "hypertargeting" are practically everywhere, but what happens when you combine the two? Learn how one company ran a diverse campaign that captured the interest of core, active, and casual fans.
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Learn to turn your competition's lack of speed and agility to your advantage. This PRO seminar and first class of MarketingProfs University's Marketing Your Small Business provides a framework for success and defines the specific tools you'll need to topple the Goliaths in your industry.
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Some Do's and Don'ts of Social Updating
It's hard to decide what's appropriate for posting on social networks without an etiquette road map—and harder still when you're doing it as a company, not just as yourself. Here are a few key social media do's and don'ts that'll guide you in the right direction.
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By Lauren Carlson Can demand generation and lead management exist without one another? I asked Carlos Hidalgo, CEO of The Annuitas Group, to do a quick whiteboard, explaining the difference between the two in the context of the sales funnel.
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