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Jan 24, 2017 Vol. 16, No. 16
In this issue
1. How-To: How Email Marketers Can Profit From Users' Mobile Obsession
2.  PRO  Take 10: How to Develop an Effective Podcast
3. Survey Says: Do Consumers Care More About Businesses' Competence or Morality?
4. Infographic: Who Searches on Bing, and Why They're Important for Marketers
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Advertisement  Ready to create killer content that converts? Join us for our free Content Marketing Virtual Conference on February 10. Three live sessions, Q&A, networking, attendee-only resources, and more.
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How Email Marketers Can Profit From Users' Mobile Obsession
By Cynthia Price
People check their smartphones obsessively—dozens, even hundreds, of times per day—and they open most of their emails on mobile devices. Here are five ways we email marketers can use those mobile habits to better reach our customers. Read More
FOR  PRO  Members
Today's PRO Item
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Take 10: How to Develop an Effective Podcast
In just 10 minutes, the creator of one of today's most successful B2B podcasts will break down the process of creating a program that achieves your business objectives and provides your listeners with content they'll be eager to hear. Read More
Advertisement  Join us on January 31 for our free seminar: Marketing Project Management 101. You'll learn six project management skills every marketer should know. Register today.
Survey Says
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Do Consumers Care More About Businesses' Competence or Morality?
By Ayaz Nanji
Consumers generally value competence over morality when selecting service providers, but that effect is weakened if the less-competent provider seems an underdog, according to research published in the AMA's Journal of Marketing. Read More
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Who Searches on Bing, and Why They're Important for Marketers [Infographic]
By Laura Forer
The Bing network of search engines reaches one-third of PC searchers. Who are they, and how can your business benefit from reaching them? Read More

event calendar

Jan 24
FREE Seminar—Top 10 Advocacy and Referral Strategies for 2017
Jan 31
FREE Seminar—Six Project Management Skills Every Marketer Needs to Know
Feb 2
PRO Seminar—Fix Your Funnel: 15 Things to Remove From Your Site Immediately
Feb 7
FREE Seminar—Webinar & Chill: How to Use Online Events to Build Lasting Relationships
Feb 9
PRO Seminar—How to Create a Customer-Centric Product Message
Feb 10
Virtual Conference—Content Marketing | 3 online sessions FREE!
Mar 2
MarketingProfs University—Marketing Project Management Essentials
Oct 3-6
B2B Marketing Forum—Save $800 when you register by January 31


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Leads? Contact us:

Chief Content Officer: Ann Handley
Director of Publications: Vahe Habeshian
Research Writer: Ayaz Nanji
Contributor: Christian Neri

Advertise with us: Call (866) 557-9625

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