Adding podcasts to your marketing strategy can mean that you're creating a podcast to draw listeners, or it can mean that you're advertising on other people's podcasts.
Whichever way you incorporate podcasting into your strategy, the team at WebpageFX has you covered with an infographic full of stats and facts about podcasting.
For instance, the percentage of Americans who listen to podcasts reached 21% last year, the infographic points out. Creating a podcast can help you reach those listeners, giving you greater brand visibility and adding variety to your marketing mix.
If you're buying ads, you'll want to check out the part of the infographic that discusses typical CPM rates and explains pre-roll, mid-roll, outro, and native ads.
The infographic also suggests some business and marketing podcasts that are popular on iTunes, and we'd be remiss if we didn't add the following to that list: UnPodcast,The Marketing Companion, On Brand, Marketing Over Coffee, and, of course, MarketingProfs' own Marketing Smarts.
If you're ready to learn more about podcasts, check out the full infographic. Tap or click to see a larger version: