Email marketing has aroused more myths and legend than any other marketing channel in recent history. That's partly why we created our Email Marketing Master Course.
Take a look at some other myths we'll demystify in this 10-class course:
- Email is dead. (ok, so maybe we've already busted this one)
- Don't send email too frequently. (good email deepens relationships)
- It's too hard to segment based on behavioral data. (smarter is better)
- Responsive design isn't necessary. (optimize for mobile or you're burning money)
- The best time to send an email is on Tuesdays at 10am. (testing wins every time)
- Open rates are the be-all, end-all metric. (go beyond the open and CTR)
- You have to be sneaky to build your list. (build a list the legal and subscriber-friendly way)
- You can't learn anything from CAN SPAM laws. (learn why abiding by these laws actually makes you a better email sender)
See the full list of classes here.
Save $200 with code EMAILMASTER.
(Save even more if you're an MPU Alum.)
Classes start on December 4—just three days left to join me for this myth-busting course!
:: Matt Snodgrass
:: Marketing Manager
:: MarketingProfs University
:: (866) 557-9625 |
P.S. Want to register multiple people? We offer discounts for 3 or more MPU tickets purchased at one time—whether they're all for you or a group. Save big now!