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Four Keys to Blogging Like an Olympian [Slide Show]

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120524-1 Intro
Blogging sounds easy. But the realities of creating content that draws readers back—day after day, week after week—will quickly disabuse anyone of How hard can it really be? notions. To succeed, you must approach blogging with the disciplined focus of an elite athlete. And in a guest post at Remarkablogger, Andrew Rondeau provides four tips for becoming an Olympic-caliber blogger.
120524-2. 1. Start by building your stamina

1. Start by building your stamina

No one trains for a marathon by running a marathon. Start with a schedule you can reasonably follow, and build your stamina to ever-increasing levels of achievement. "The best bloggers are at the peak of their performance, and understand how best to use their own energy levels and inspiration to make the most of their site," notes Rondeau.


120524-3. 2. Set clear goals

2. Set clear goals

To say you're starting a blog is not enough. You need to define your goals. What does your gold medal look like? What do you want to accomplish? Perhaps you want increased website traffic or to build your reputation as a thought leader. Whatever the case, don't type a word until you know why you're typing.

120524-4. 3. Don't train without taking breaks

3. Don't train without taking breaks

Athletes push their bodies to the limit, but they also take time to recover from strenuous training. In the same way, you can't do without an occasional break from blogging. Step back, reflect on your output, and clear your mind. You'll feel mentally refreshed, and you'll return to blogging with renewed enthusiasm.

120524-5. 4. Realize the value of a silver medal

4. Realize the value of a silver medal

Every Olympian dreams of standing on the highest podium while her country's national anthem plays. But a silver medal ain't too shabby. And even if your blog doesn't rank first in Google searches, or generate more traffic than a rival, you're still a major player. Enjoy your success.

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Christian Gulliksen is a writer who has authored several of the Get to the Po!nt newsletters for MarketingProfs. A former editor at Robb Report, he has also contributed to Worth, Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter.

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