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shannon friedland

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    When necessary alternative low verbal aspects of chat like having a laugh in addition to coughing may be bundledDiscourse Investigation Transcribing This particular makes certain a complete along with accurate transcript including just about all ehm’s ‘eh’s’ er’s you know’s I mean sort of and so forth. and also false will start through the transcript. Also included would be the acknowledgement terms involving different audio system which include ‘right’ ‘okay’ ‘mm’ ‘mmhmm’ etc.. It also contains many transcribing conventions brought to life by Gail Jefferson which often seek to result in the transcribing much better a seen dialogue boosting the expert in order to translate this participant’s report over is quite possible as a result of participating and then the word what.

    The lexicon specification of verbatim is usually using the exact same terms related statement regarding word and a genuine or perhaps specific verbatim
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