February 11th: One-to-One Video Marketing

Integrating "Variable Video" Content into Your Campaigns

You don't have to have Hollywood talent or a blockbuster budget to get creative with video. Heck, you don't even need a camera! Want to know how to wow customers with a personalized message?

February 11: One-to-One Video Marketing: Interactive Campaigns That Won't Break the Budget   It doesn't take a lot of cash, time, or technical skill to create effective marketing videos. All you need is a good message, some creativity, and guidance from Randy Spurrier, a bright mind in integrated direct marketing. This Thursday at noon ET, see how to use simple and inexpensive techniques to create videos that make a one-on-one connection with each viewer.

Spend 90 minutes online with us, and you'll learn:

  • Clever methods for creating different versions of a video that speak directly to your target audiences, even down to the individual;
  • How to work with a creative agency or a video production firm—and what you can do yourself;
  • Money-saving tricks for any budget, such as using existing images with pan-and-zoom techniques and recorded voiceovers;
  • Ways that both B2B and B2C companies have used variable videos to boost sales;
  • And more!

I can't wait to see what Randy has to show us. Aren't you the least bit curious, too? Become a Pro member for $279/year and you can participate in this and ALL of our online seminars. It's like having a 24/7 ticket to a theater of fresh marketing ideas.

All the best,
Follow me on Twitter :: Shelley Ryan
:: Oscar-bound Seminar Producer
:: MarketingProfs
:: On Twitter: @shelleyryan

P.S. Did you know we have a 30-day, no-questions-asked refund policy? If you don't love what you get as a Pro member, we'll give you back your buckage. Upgrade now!

The Details

Date: Thursday, February 11
Time: 12pm Eastern
Length: 90 minutes

Register today. We've got everything you need to get started.

How Does It Work?

Hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door and find a comfy chair.

Watch at your computer and listen through its speakers (a headset is even better). There's also a dial-in option for the live broadcast.

How Much Does It Cost?

$129 for this seminar, or ...

$279/year for ALL seminars with an Individual Pro membership, or ...

$599/year for five seats on a Corporate Pro membership.

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