How Does It Work?
Our seminars run 90 minutes, including 20-30 minutes for Q&A.
You watch and hear the presentation on your out-of-date PC, all the while hoping you'll get a new laptop for the holidays.
How Much Does It Cost?
$129 for a single seminar, or ...
$249/year for ALL seminars with an Individual Premium Plus membership, or ...
$599/year for five seats on a Corporate Premium Plus membership
Grapevine Marketing
Get ideas for your word-of-mouth efforts with our Grapevine Marketing Seminar Series.
Upcoming Topics in the Grapevine Series
Choosing Your Facebook Marketing Tactics: Fan Pages, Groups, Ads ... or All of the Above?
A Killer Facebook Fan Page: Building It, Keeping It Fresh, and Integrating It into Your Marketing
Conversational Marketing Truths: MarketingProfs Own Social Media Research
Getting and Keeping Attention: Ten Predictions for 2010, with Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki
With new online seminar topics for Premium Plus members almost every week, you'll be a marketing hotshot in no time.